Welcome to Cero

CERO is a transparent and easy to manage framework developed to assist companies, and other organisations in reaching climate travel targets in consistency with economic payoff and employee acceptance. CERO is developed in Markus Robèrt’s doctoral thesis and the model is also published and peer-reviewed in four international scientific journals. The model is now implemented in more than 100 organisations.

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CERO was developed during doctoral research at the Royal Institute of Technology,1 and the model has been published and peer reviewed in four international scientific journals.CERO analysis is based on the “backcasting” planning perspective, which provides a basis for decision making in the organisation, addressing the following three questions, in order:

1.What targets have been set for the future as regards travel emissions, travel costs, and employee working conditions?
2.Where does the organisation stand today in relation to these targets?
3.What target-oriented policies should the organisation prioritise in order to move from the present situation to the targets?